Sporty Design
The golf club, which has been active in the sporting world for more than 30 years with teams playing in the top national leagues for many years, has more than 100 members with single-digit handicaps. The watery and sporty course underwent an extensive Makeover to make it even more playable and interesting. The starting point for it all was a long-planned renovation of the problematic greens.
Year of construction
Fair and Challenging
For the top players from the back tees, the course was lengthened by almost 350 meters and the par was reduced from 72 to 71. Six par 4-holes range from 410 to 444 metres. To facilitate the average golfer, the course was shortened slightly. Also with lady amateur golfers in mind, the much too long course has been shortened by about 300 meters. This has created a healthy mix of challenging elements and fun. According to feedback from numerous Bundesliga teams that have competed here, Olching is certainly one of the top 5 courses in Germany in terms of sport. Top 5-Pätzen in Deutschland.
More Optics and Variety
Die ursprünglich extrem platten Grüns wurden in vielseitige Puttflächen mit betonten Wellen und Sektoren umgewandelt, die die bestehenden natürlichen kleinen Wellen und Senken in den Fairways aufnehmen und so nun eine Einheit mit ihnen bilden. Grünbunker wurden leicht vergrößert und sichtbarer gemacht sowie in der Gesamtzahl reduziert. Dafür wurden die wenigen Fairwaybunker in der Zahl erhöht, neu positioniert und deutlich sichtbarer gemacht. Ein absolut gelungenes facelift for the course.
Water, Water, Water ...
The particularly flat golf course, located in the floodplain of the Amper River, is constantly confronted with water obstacles that strongly influence the game. Water plays a role in no less than ten holes.
Übersicht des kompletten Redesigns
Trotz nennenswerter Veränderungen behielt der Platz seinen ursprünglichen Charakter eines Auen-Golfplatzes.